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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Art In The Park …

Last weekend was a busy one in Pietermaritzburg, for not only was there the Royal Show, but also one of the highlights on the South African fine arts calendar - the annual Art In the Park event held beneath the London plane trees of the city’s Alexandra Park. Now in its forty-eighth year and featuring some fifty-five artists the standard of work was exceptionally high with artists from around the country - and beyond our borders. Annual turnover at this al-fresco gallery understandably runs into the couple of million rands, and despite the continuing depressed economic times trade again seemed to be brisk. Some years back in Johannesburg I acquired two well-loved pastel works by local artist David Johnson and for me a highlight was finding David and his wife there in person at the show. It felt like meeting Leonardo at the Louvre. With great live music, artists on hand to discuss their work and sherry served as the fires are lit to warm attendees in the early evening the ambience is wonderful – just another reason to say again – I love life in the Midlands. Same time next year then!!!!
Stringent acceptance criteria ensure that the public gets to see the cream of local talent and I was pleased to see the inclusion also of slumped glass and photographic work. It is a fine art ;-) .....

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