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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Likin' lichen....

With parts of the Midlands being in what is known as the mistbelt of KwaZulu Natal conditions are evidently ideal for certain lichens to thrive. Many trees and rocks are covered by these fungal growths, and they can give an old trunk or rocky outcrop an amazing look of age. Actually lichens are extremely hardy and different varieties are found in even the most extreme conditions from arid desert landscapes to arctic tundra. A close look at their formation reveals a form and colour palette that is quite amazing, such as this example of a rock face in the Lidgetton Valley, almost entirely covered with growth. It could almost be an underwater scene. For an interesting foray into the world of lichens refer to this piece on Wikipedia - fascinating stuff!
Often the abstract simplicity of a single subject can make an interesting study in texture and depth,  which seems to go beyond the two dimensions of photography.

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